29 Jul 2019, 19:45

I don't see a lot of discussion on this topic, so I figure I may as well ask. I'm starting to sell more prints and am wondering if any kind of product liability insurance is a good idea. I'm using one of two reputable printers to create prints (and possibly framed prints), and I may possibly sell prints at events too in the future. My first thought is ... "How much actual risk is involved in selling prints?" But, I suppose you never know and so I'm just curious to see if others worry about this.

I'm curious to see what others think.

A little backstory – you can ignore if you don't want to read all of this as it's not essential to my question. I created a puzzle a few months ago using an online printer with some of my artwork. I wanted to sell it through a Kickstarter or something like that, but as I was inquiring about liability insurance I basically dropped the idea. Puzzles are considered toys, and toy insurance costs were such that it wouldn't really be worth it financially, That is, assuming that you would bother getting insurance too I suppose. I tend to err on the safer side, so I'd really want to have it if I were to start selling it in any quantity. (As a side note, I did print a couple of puzzles and they turned out great.)