@Braden-Hallett I love Your thumbnails and ideas, it is alawys great to see your process.
SCBWI June draw this 'camp'
Since there's a short lull between SVS contest topics I figured I'd try getting the SCBWI prompt finished sooner rather than later and post the process like I normally do
Anyone else going to be working on this prompt?
Feel free to share artwork here!
I was gonna flesh out the other ideas, but I've got some particularly fond memories of 'camp' turning into more of a rainy board game getaway
@Braden-Hallett probably not.
but loving seeing this
@Braden-Hallett I think I am going to try this month. I finally got around to joining so I figure I should.
Hi @Braden-Hallett , what is SCBWIP
SCBWI is the Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. They have a prompt every month
@Braden-Hallett I love Your thumbnails and ideas, it is alawys great to see your process.
@Braden-Hallett It is only for the SCBWI members, but if I have time I can do it for my own pleasure...but time now, I don't have, next week going for vacations also. But great things this SCBWI, we have soemthings imilar here in Germany, IO - "Illustratoren Organisation", but there are no promts or challanges., but a lot of infos for us illustrators.
@Braden-Hallett You cut put some lizard on the wall or window, we had them so offen in our camp
@Braden-Hallett Great as usual! Is your line work getting thinner? There seems to be something different about it that I really like.
@MichaelaH That's a good idea! I may do a spider instead, though. Not many window lizards kickin' around BC (at least not where I got to camp) Maybe I'll do a sullen lookin' birdy on a branch in the rain outside.
@Erin-Cortese Thanks
The linework might be thinner, yeah. I've consciously tried to slow down when I'm inking, so that may have resulted in better line control.
This looks like such a fun piece, @Braden-Hallett! The inking is so clean, and the various elements are all well-placed in the picture. I look forward to seeing your progress on this.
@Braden-Hallett here is my value study and line work. I am not sure how I am going to do the finish work on this one. But I am pretty happy with the composition and idea.
Keywords: Anxiety, off-kilter
The idea behind this is catching that moment before you lose a marshmallow to the fire. The girl is the robot's friend and this is the first time he has toasted one. So she is trying to help him not lose that first one!
Everyone let me know your thoughts and what feelings it evokes (to make sure I am accomplishing what I am trying.)
@theprairiefox Neat idea! I'm lookin' forward to seein' how it turns out.
I foresee some serious burns if that little girl actually manages to catch that marshmallow :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes:
Really like the direction the piece is heading @Braden-Hallett! I like the idea of adding an animal. It would emphasize even further how they are in the wild. Perhaps a raccoon could be peering in the window. I'm a bit biased as I had a pet Raccoon. Or the spider, bird or lizard.
I've actually been toying around with the idea of joining SCBWI for awhile. What's the best thing about having a membership? Do they connect you with publishers? My funds are kind of tight right now, so I'm on the fence.
@Justin-Moss They're not gonna do any legwork for you RE publishers and such
However, I've heard that art directors browse the contest entries. SCBWI holds all kinds of competitions. One of the big things you get access to is a mailing list for your post cards.
The big reason I'm a member is because they were enthusiastically supportive when it came to setting up a local author illustrator group (my local arts council essentially told me to bug off
@Braden-Hallett Gotcha, gotcha. The mailing list would be really nice. Hopeful that's true about art directors popping their heads in. Really it's just getting your work out there for the right eyes to see, Right? Thanks for the info!
This painting is shaping up really well, @Braden-Hallett! The warm lighting and the colours used look really good.