@suenaumi I did know you could paint oil on paper, you still prime it? I’m wanting to start oil in the summer.
@suenaumi I did know you could paint oil on paper, you still prime it? I’m wanting to start oil in the summer.
@Erin-Cortese this is pretty fabulous, I took a second look and it was yours. Really impressed.
@Heather-Boyd Yes, when I paint on paper I prime heavyweight cold press watercolor paper with gesso (taped or stapled on a board, almost like stretching a paper for watercolor so it doesn't buckle), but I was trying out a different process I saw Kathleen Kemly do online. She enlarges her loose sketches and prints them on paper, then covers them with clear gesso. She then works over these drawings with layers of thin oil paint so some of her original line work shows through. Unfortunately it didn't work the way I was hoping
because the paper still had a lot of tooth to it and the color of my underpainting adhered more than I wanted. (usually I wipe out a lot) Next time I might try a higher quality of watercolor paper and do a layer of acrylic Matte medium first. Paper is a nice way to start because it gives you more freedom to experiment without that intimidating thought of ruining a canvas. Plus you can work in any size (even thumbnails.) There is also something called "canvas paper", but I have never liked it at all. If you have any other questions feel free to reach out. Good luck! -
The Moment Before: Bull in a China Shop.
It's not finished but I wanted to share it anyway. Does this seem worth it to keep working on as a portfolio piece? I'd make the shop to look more crowded in the background, and refine the colors/linework.
Flip the script: The shopkeeper is a tiny Paul Bunyan and his beloved Babe the blue ox has come home.
@Squirrelsize Lovely
@carriecopadraws This is great, Carrie! Love the Paul Bunyan take
April Prompt - The Moment Before
This is my first SVS Prompt, I figure these prompts are a great way for me to work on content, meet the community and showcase my skills while I build a portfolio.
I hope you enjoy it!www.jessicajolicoeur.com/wixsite.com/jessicajolicoeur
Absolutely gorgeous! I love it.
@Aleksey Thank you!
@lefrog Wonderful! Love the painterly style and the concept is spot on.
@carriecopadraws I think it's worthy. This is looking really good. I like the look of the loose color over the line. Great composition character design and lighting. Keep going!
@lisanganart I love this one!
@carriecopadraws that is sooooo cool!
@Lee-White all images are super cute and the ideas are great. I don't know how you decide the winners every month.
@Heather-Boyd Thank you!
@suenaumi thank you so much!