Book Illustrations critique
Hi everyone, I've just joined yesterday and I'm taking Creative Composition classes, I'm loving it, I've learned a lot already on the third video...
I'm currently working on a children's book and since it's
my first I'm having a lot of challenges and strugles, there are some pages that I like others... I don't know, stuff isn't working.
I'd really appreciate if you could give me some advices and opinions about it, I'm posting some pages... Thanks in advance!
Your handling of watercolor is really gorgeous. The color is beautiful and your composition are fun and varied. I really love the last one of four girls!
Someone with more watercolor experience will jump in, but I think you are off to a great start.
@Camila-Picheco Your handling of the watercolor medium looks very good. Your illustrations have almost an "old school" feel to them with your realistic drawings and renderings. Really nice work in my eyes.
These are very nice Camilla! - for critique I would say that you are treating the face of the main character a bit differently in the second and fourth pieces than you are with the first - in the top piece the girls face seems to be part of the painting and part of her body - in the second and third paintings it feels like you used some finer brushes and gave her a bit more attention and detail than the other characters - this makes her face pop out and seem incongruous - in the second and fourth images here facial structure is more mature than in the first and third and her body is much younger in the second also - trying to have continuity with a character is difficult! - I am having a similar issue
...... I like the old school feel of these too and agree that your ability with the medium is very good
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan Thank you so much!
@Rob-Smith Thanks Rob!
@Kevin-Longueil Hi Kevin, thank you very much for the critique, I wanted to know if was too obvious that I used photoshop in the main character face, I was afraid it looked like I "cheated" too much hehe.
It's true, OMG, it's so hard to make the girl look the same in the whole book, a teacher told me that some artists contract models to take pictures ehhehe, it's a lot of work but maybe it's worth. -
@Camila-Picheco Hi Camila, the style and compositions are really nice and have a classical 'feel'. I just love watercolor! There is one small thing that I notice, that is the ball is drawing so much attention, because of the color. It distracts from the nice girls. Very very nice!
@Leontine yes!! it's true, I didn't notice it... I'll fix. Thank you!
I'm always amazed by water color and what others can do with it! The faces of the girls are so sweet and delightful! I agree that it's got a classic feel to the style though, it think I get that feeling mostly from the first picture. The first seems a little too washed out when placed next to the others, and I'd like to see a little less contrast there.
Great work, and good luck on your first book!
Nice. Thank you for the comment.
I think your watercolor is lovely! I like your composition as well however there is something about the first image does not have the quality you have done to the other 3. I think it's the value differences. Anyway I really like your watercolor paintings!