A bear who draws stuff.
Hello all, I'm Ryan from the UK- an aspiring comic artist. I mostly specialise in drawing cartoons and I am very influenced by french/Belgian comics such as (Asterix or TinTin) Disney comics (Carl Barks) and Hanna Barbera- I like making people laugh through funny drawings and its my dream to get a comic published one day. I'm currently trying to improve my work as I find the inking process pretty boring and I don't seem very efficient using inks- I really stiffen up and make my work look flatter compared to the real energy I have when using pencils. Heres a few things i've drawn:
Welcome to the forums. Nice looking work! I do see that your inking could use a bit of weight variation. Check out Jake's course How to Ink 2.0. It's got everything you need to make those lines pop.
@SketchyArtish i might just do that, thank you!
Welcome to the forums!
Keeping the energy from sketch to ink is something I struggle with as well
Lookin' forward to seeing more of your work.
@VideoGameBear hey Ryan nice work, very impressive.
Do you colour digitally?
Some artists scan textures Such as painted watercolour, then add it under the line work to add variety and take away that flatness. -
@Braden-Hallett thank you Braden! Glad i'm not the only one who struggles
@peteolczyk I've been using photoshop to quickly colour things in but I have heard of that technique you mentioned... I'm trying to force myself away from photoshop at the moment and try something new...
Welcome to the forums, I really like the Evil Twin page.
Welcome! Yeah I'm practicing inking right now, I have a really fun time with the brush pen because you get varying lines as you go. The how to ink videos helped me break into it and gave me good exercises. Watching demos though of other artists using ink is what helped me more. Right now I'm reading a book called "Rendering in Pen and Ink" by Arthur L Guptill. Pretty sure someone on here recommended it so thank you to whomever that was (i totally forgot who it was) but that book covers a lot of pen and ink topics I wasn't even aware of. I highly recommend it, I got it used for $15
@Aleksey thanks man, I'll have a look! I still don't really enjoy the inking process I must admitt- still love using pencils... hm
@Braden-Hallett just had a look through your portfollio by the way, really impressive stuff...
@VideoGameBear Thanks :smiling_face_with_open_mouth:
@VideoGameBear yeah at the end of the day you gotta do what ya love.
Welcome to the forum! Loving your work, really nice stuff.