26 Sept 2018, 21:12

Some of you might have noticed dropped connections yesterday and today, and I apologize for that. You might have noticed that the forums are now secure. Up until yesterday you might have received a warning that the site was not https, well now it is. Because of this change the forums were moved to a different server which in some cases might have made you login again. There was also a patch installed for maintenance on the forums.

If you used facebook as your login there may have been some issues with the authentication. I have sorted all of that out now. When you login with facebook, facebook may ask you if you are ok with the forums logging you in. This is just a security measure and it is ok.

If you are having any issues with your account, or know someone having issues with their account, please send me an email at cvalecek@cshellmedia.com and I will work with you/them. Let me know if you have any questions.
