Profile picture won’t load?
Is anybody else having issues posting a picture to their profile? I choose one, it saves and then next thing I know it goes black?
I can see the one you have now. Maybe it's your file type? Is it a jpg or png? Is it a big file?
@amber-bellerjeau I think it’s just a jpg. It’s showing all black on my end - what do you see?
I see a monkey yelling.
@tessaw thanks. Guess it’s just not showing here.
@gorillo It's all black on my screen also. I had a ton of trouble with my profile pic in the past but it did get worked out.
@eli what the heck? How did you resolve your profile pic problem?
I can see it
@gorillo what browser are you using?
@gorillo I have no idea. I did email SVS about it and the problem continued and then it seemed fixed so they must have worked it out, or something reset? Ugh, it's frustrating. then I changed my profile pic again and it wouldn't show the new pic, but later I signed on and it was updated. I did end up deleting the old pic and uploading the new one a bunch of times. But my problem was different--it would never show the NEW pic. Yours is just showing black on mine, and apparently on yours, but other people can see it?! I have no idea--wish I could help!!
I can see it. I had the same problem too. It finally just fixed itself one day.
@eli strange.. ah well, it’s not the end of the world. Thanks anyway!
@chip-valecek Sarfari
@gorillo I wonder if its the file type you are using. What is the file type? How did you go about saving it? I know at work I will get jpg's from people and I will have to sometimes resave them in order for them to work in the browser. It was something to do with the data of the jpg.