Fiasco Squirrel Cop please critique
Hi this was an assignment from Turbocharging Creativity, and I am trying to bring it to finish. Please let me know what you think about the cop’s gesture, any tangents, the overall value and lighting of the piece. I will fix the outline of the piece later.
The keyword is fiasco. The squirrel ran into the fire then out again and the couch is about to catch on fire.
A few suggestions...
I think you need to add more contrast to your lighting, so make the foreground darker as it's under a sofa, keep the midground the same and make the background lighter. Also study some light logic, especially how form shadows work. The cast shadow under the sofa wouldn't be purple but a darker shade of the carpet colour. Also as there's less light under the sofa introducing a strong light source like the fire on the squirrel's tail would create some really harsh shadows. Hope that's helpful. -
Oh dear, poor squirrel!! (Yes, I'm more concerned with the animal than the furniture!)
I think there might be tangents, or at least things that don't look quite right, with the wine glass touching the squirrel's behind, and the squirrels leg on the cop's hand.I think you did well with the flames, and the angle really gives it a feel of the chaos of the situation
Looking forward to seeing it finished.
I think that the expression of the police look more like he is tired. Maybe change a little the eyes and also the hands. Try that the police want to reach the squirrel or something like that.
Please let me know what you think. I'm just not sure I like the finished product.
Hey Hollie, this is super cute! If you want a little more focus on the squirrel, I'd suggest pushing the perspective a bit and perhaps darkening the background a little.