Our new head and hands class is now enrolling! Space is limited to the first 18 that sign up. This should be an amazing class!
I will be in the middle of a move, so sad to miss this
this class will be in the subscription in the fall. But i think the live version will be much better. Without feedback a class like this is harder to absorb.
Oooooh, that looks really good! I primarily draw animals so this class could give me a boost on making appealing human characters, and maybe even apply back around to better animal characters.
My human heads are usually little more than simple circles and squares, heh, or they look too Disney-esque. I have been practicing drawing hands for 10 min a day on my own and see improvement, but I bet the instructor feedback is solid gold.
I just signed up! Hands, you will no longer defeat me!!
great! david is amazing at drawing hands and he knows how to teach that subject well!
Oh poo! I will be travelling in June so can't do this one. Oh well. Will look forward to the videos on subscription!
I signed up! Very excited to expand my human-drawing skills. Think we'll cover drawing hair (different hairstyles, beards/mustaches)?
@carriecopa We will be covering hair. Although I have to admit I didn't think to include beards and mustaches (time to edit my course content!)
Lee, thanks for starting this thread (and I apologize for being late to the party). Please post any questions you might have about the Dynamic Expressions course. I am happy to answer!
@davidhohn David, In this class can I incorporate some of my own character designs? I have been working on a project. It would be cool to see the before and after.
@mara-price I will confess that I haven't currently set up the class that way. But if you see a logical opportunity to utilize some of your own character designs in one (or more) of the projects then that will be just fine. Keep the dialogue open. I will gladly explain why each project is set up the way it is, but at the same time don't be shy about asking for what you need!
David, I registered for the class. I'll follow your suggestions. Thanks for the reply.