Old and New WIP
@gary-wilkinson That looks great!
@gary-wilkinson wow, love this
@gary-wilkinson I see what you mean. This does read better. Looks great
Oh I love this concept. I wonder if Toy Story 4 will use a theme like this.
@Gary-Wilkinson Looking great! Even more rich & immersive now! Gives tangibility to & personal association with the story/emotions.
BTW, Sorry I've been silent & haven't responded - Been on ultra-go-mode these couple weeks, but everyone has added awesome comments (as usual!!!). Excited to see this one continue to finish out!
Also, not that you need it, but if you want one more small concept element, there is news that KBToys is seeking to fill the void of ToysRUs in some way. They have a little soldier/drummerboy that could be starting to run after the boy.
Thanks for all your comments, still trying to find the time to get it done, but slowly working on it and learning how to overcome certain challenges. Started laying out the colors and I think I am going to have the background filled with a silhouette of trash hinting at the discarded toys of old. Lot's of work left to do on it, but I'm happy that @Lee-White recommended changing the angle of the scene. Although it's a more challenging scene I have grown to like it more and I think it will be a good image for my portfolio when/if it's done.
The things I feel I still need to do for this piece are to adjust and add more toys in front of the trash can, finish the sky and detailing the bear to give him a little more punch. A few things i'm a little stuck up on are the color of the sky and how to paint the boy. My first painting of the sky had it quite blue, but I pulled it more to grey to create a more sombre mood, I'm wondering whether to bring the blues back out and also whether I should add clouds. I am also going to revert the boy back a little more towards the earlier rendering to adjust his expression, and to fix the color and light on his face which I think I took too far as well as fixing his hair. I really want the eye to be pulled towards the abandoned toys and for the composition to flow well based on the lighting and position of the objects.
Let me know if anything jumps out to you that you feel is wrong or should be added/taken away
@gary-wilkinson I wouldn't add any clouds into the sky, I think the characters pop on the sky as is. I prefer more of the blue into the sky. The only thing that stands out for me is it looks as if the boys eyes are closed vs looking down at the phone. Maybe having them just crack open a little? Other then that, its game over you got this one. Great piece!
I really like this..so well done. I think your instincts are right regarding the lighting a wee bit overdone on the lads face. Was perfect in my humble opinion top frame...and it does succeed in pulling your eye back to the abandoned toys, whereas the added blue light draws more attention to that area.
This is really nice, one thing in the background I find the mailbox distracting and seems to be taking away from the nice negative shape of the sky.
@gary-wilkinson This is looking just amazing. It has such a strong emotional content. I can see how it would be cool to have a bunch more discarded toys, but i also just like the simplicity of what you have here. It has an intimacy that is really nice, and it reads so well. That's a tough one.
I think i would have the boy looking into the corner of his eye towards the toys to connect them. Looks awesome though, just a thought.
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