I think have photoshop anxiety!
I am taking a 2D Design class, a hybrid, which is partly online and partly on campus. It reminds me of when I took algebra..aagghhh! I just wanted someone to feel sorry for me for a minute
Thanks for listening. My family will be suffering this semester as I freak out every night. Any ideas for remaining calm and getting through this are welcome.
I remember being totally lost the first time I took a photoshop class. Then later I checked out a book on how to do everything in photoshop one step at a time. I am not good at exploring and figuring things out on my own. I like the step by step instructions.
Good luck Marsha! No need to freak out, just look forward to learning something new
Somebody said, the first time you open photoshop is like entering an airplane cockpit - full of switches, buttons and mysterious gauges. Just donΒ΄t panic and concentrate on one thing at a time. You sure can fly!
Thanks everyone! I watch those videos and they are going faster than I can see that little cursor. I will try to remain calm
@holleywilliamson Thanks. Yes, I like step by step too. The videos are step by step but they go so fast. I pause and rewind and watch again but this last one had no way to rewind that I could see and I had to watch the whole thing over and over...
@smceccarelli Ha! Ha! Exactly!
@gary-wilkinson I will definitely try. It isn't the end of the world if I don't get something right off the bat, right?
I know the feeling! When I took a photoshop class, I always developed a pounding headache from stress (or high blood pressure-maybe my head was gonna burst!) Try to not put pressure on yourself to always get it right immediately, be kind to yourself as you learn. Just like if you were helping someone else who was struggling with something - you wouldn't holler or criticize, right? Patience, grasshopper
οΈ It will all fall into place eventually.
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen just pause and rewind those videos, you will do great you will come away having learned something and that will be great
I have been using photoshop for some reason or other for 20 years and I am still unraveling the depths of it's mystery. When I watch youtube videos, I too have to pause it and watch it approximately 100 times before I get and remember what they are doing. I've never taken a class, so there's no pressure, but I can understand your anxiety. I suspect it's hard for most people.
Just focus on learning the best you can and give yourself a pass no matter what grade you get.
I heard this on the radio the other day: Do you know how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Take it slow... There is no need for pressure. You are not being graded for this per se; your job does not depend on this class (I assume). Take it slow, and have FUN. If it is not fun, you need to stop. Plain and simple. You won't enjoy it, and you will dread every time you open Photoshop. Good luck!
Just like what @TessW said, I having using photoshop since college and 17 years later I am still learning new things. I learn something and forget something else and have to relearn it again.
@kat Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words. It is so helpful to get some reassurance from others.
@lmrush Thank you. I appreciate your support
@tessw Thank you, Tess. You're always so helpful.
@tombarrettillo Thanks Tom. I just need to remember that I don't HAVE to learn it and try to enjoy it because, actually, it would be so helpful to me if I did in many ways. BUT, I need to be patient-that, is true with everything I do. So, I will cerrtainly try to relax, take my time and enjoy it.
I finished my homework!!!!! Yay! Working with layers, transforming and moving things around and colorizing them. Now if I can just remember how to do it! I took notes but....anyway, I am feeling much better now that it's done! Tomorrow morning I can work on my painting for my dummy. Whew! What a relief.
Lookin' good!! Your confidence will grow with every success
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen Very nice!