An Ants Worst Fear WIP critiques welcome
Hi this is my idea for Fear. I'm actually really scared of large groups of ants, they freak me out. So I decided to walk in their shoes a bit, ha no pun intended! Is this reading well? Is the perspective ok? What about the composition? Thanks for your time!
@holleywilliamson I think I wouod look for a picture of someone stepping down from above on google. That's a tricky angle. I am still figurin gout perspective. Also, add a heel, etc. so it looks more like a shoe. I actually had to look at it a whiel before I could tell it was a foot. But, I think you have the composition down pretty well. Others can help more with perspective. It's a great idea! It might also help to have a line up to the place the knee is bending.
@holleywilliamson I would rotate the foot to the left a little and make sure to slope the big toe down to the pinky toe to show which foot is up. The ant on the right i think should have its mouth open a lot more with maybe its hands on its cheeks like "OH NO!!"
Holley, this is so fun! It's a really tricky angle. The position of the arm- I feel it's a bit awkward if the kid is just walking along. If the kid is purposely trying to smash the ants, then I think it's fine- but then I would make him looking down.
Other than that I'm a little confused by the expression of the ant on the left. Is it purposely pushing the other ant into the path of the shoe?
Can't wait to see this progress, should be a lot of fun.
@tessw thank you, I like the boy looking down. For the ant on the left I was going for a determined expression to push the middle ant out of the way, but maybe I should make him look more worried?
@chip-valecek and @Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen thanks for the good ideas!
@holleywilliamson said in An Ants Worst Fear WIP critiques welcome:
@tessw thank you, I like the boy looking down. For the ant on the left I was going for a determined expression to push the middle ant out of the way, but maybe I should make him look more worried?
I think it's because he has those determined eyebrows, but it also looks like he could be smirking a bit. I would just keep that in mind as you are refining the sketch.
Here is my progress with my value layer and color study. Let me know what you think!