Working on thumbnails, and character design.
edited to add the idea is a little marionette puppet's strings break, she goes on adventures, but then returns to free her fellow marionette friends, and show them the world outside the theater.
Love seeing the process!
Oh wow, a marrionette is a great idea for the Independent theme. Love the designs!
I'm not 100% clear on the action in each of these. can you throw in a quick sentence or two explaining what we're seeing? I don't want to misinterpret anything!
Yup! Sorry, the idea is a little marionette puppet's strings break, she goes on adventures, but then returns to free her fellow marionette friends, and show them the world outside the theater.
Ahhh I see now! I think 3 has the clearest expression of that, but 1 could work too if the hands holding the scissors switched sides, thus having her gesture off the page.
@stringfellowart I agree with the green.
I like the green/earth tones. However, their poses are a bit odd to me. I assume this is after the strings are cut, so I would think by then, their arms would be down. I might have them all posed in varying states of wonder/surprise at their new found freedom (i.e. looking at their freed hands and arms, maybe one with its arms raised in a "yahoo!" pose, etc, etc.) And the rabbit might work better in a more leaning, anxious, beginning run, hurried kind of pose, like "You can be happy later! Let's get outta here before the puppeteer returns!!"
@tombarrettillo hmm that was actually what I was going for, the wolf looking at his hand, the fox down at his feet. I think something might have gotten lost from the gesture to the final sketch. Puppets are kinda stiff so I had a hard time getting it right
Progression is fascinating - Your clay model is amazing, also - do you do that often, creating specific models for particular illustrations? And i don't want to throw the monkey wrench, but I like your color scheme on the lower left - to me it offers a more complimentary spectrum - purely opinion, though, I really like all your color choices....
@laurie I make up a model if it's a tricky design or perspective angle. I have a lot or experience with sculpting clay figures so it doesn't take long to make something rough.
@stringfellowart This is looking great. You picked a really challenging story to tell. But, looks like you pulled it off. Great work.
I like the story telling in your version 2 sketch