k guys, you made this one super difficult for us! So many great entries that it would be hard to cover them all here. I'd like to thank @Chip-Valecek for doing the great slide show which can be seen here:
I know every time we have a contest there will be some feelings of "why didn't mine get in?!" or "That one shouldn't have won!". I get it. I have been there too. But, like in every contest, someone has to make the call and that call is typically "what did I like the best?" haha! (Note: teachers were not allowed to make the final cut.)
So, below is the winner and runner up, in addition to the others that made it to my final round of judging. Keep your head up if you weren't in the group. There were SO many good ones! Keep submitting for the contests as they really do improve your skill set. Next month's topic is gonna be a good one and allow for more personal viewpoints.
So, The Winner is: @smceccarelli
I really loved the overall layout and she worked so hard at really nailing the pose of the boy on the zip line. The dappled light is beautiful and it seems very professional. It really captured the fun of a summertime swimming hole and I like how the treehouse is tied into this concept.
The runner up is:
This piece is so simple and sweet. I think Katrina really nailed it with just a few simple lines and tones. The technique is loose and fresh and really emphasizes how great art doesn't have to take weeks to pull off. Sometimes the quick sketches are better! : )
Here are the rest of the images that made it to the final stage with some quick notes:
@Eric-Castleman Great graphic style and the overall design and technique is super solid.
@bbmeep really pretty drawing and a great style that is very current in illustration right now. you should be able to get some pro work with images like this.
@MirkaH Loved the lighting in this one and I looked at it for a long time. I think kids will really appreciate all the things you have going on here.
@Jose-Ramos Super solid paint skills here!
@NoWayMe Really like the dappled light and concept is top notch.
@Leontine Wonderful lighting and design. Loved seeing this worked up from the sketch stage.
@JoyHeyer loved the simple style and the concept is so sweet. More great work for your portfolio.
@Majorie Such a cozy scene and very well drawn and painted!!
@holleywilliamson wonderful concept and technique. Reminds me of Chris Van Allsburg. Which is definitely a good thing!!!
@Laurie Really cool concept and design!
@KGatto lovey technique. This could really get you some pro work!
@SUSANMILLER Very fresh image. Looks classic and contemporary at the same time. Great!
k guys, that will do it for this month's contest. There were so many right on the edge. Keep it up and keep updating that portfolio!!
Fantastic work everyone I really enjoy seeing every ones different interpretations .Congratulations to winner and runners up.
clapping It was fun seeing the WIPs and all the entries come in this month. Congrats to everyone! Big congrats to @smceccarelli and @Katrina-Fowler for their excellent work.
Great pieces - congratulations to those featured!
It looks like all the pieces were done digitally?
@lee-white REALLY?!?!?! Wow! I'm honored to be the runner up! I was not expecting that for my quick little piece. I took a cue from your business class - something like if your product (my art) isn't working (no one is interested) then change it (don't worry you are not a sell out). I used to spend days on one digital illustrations and then show Art directors and Agents only to have nothing in return. Crickets I had one agency contact me that they already had similar artist like my work (digital)... So I've decided that not only will I need to change my 'style' but I really needed to make the process of creating the art faster. (And honestly I just needed to loosen up!) Congrats to @smceccarelli that is a wonderful piece and also to all the honorable mentions! Thanks again!
Congrats on everyone who won or was featured! Its always fun participating and getting a piece completed. Onto the next one.
@lee-white Congrats to everyone, this was a really nice subject to work on! Can't wait to see works made for the month of July!
Really great work everyone!! So many portfolio pieces were made
Congrats to the winners, and to everyone who submitted! You are all amazing artists and I'm really looking forward to future contest. Well done!
Everyone did an amazing job. I'm honored to even be mentioned next to such great work and artists. Looking forward to this months prompt.
Great submissions! It was a fun challenge.
Thank you @Lee-White and all the judges - there were such great and original submissions I would have never thought that mine stood a chance! Congratulations to all who have been mentioned....and actually to all who submitted!
Deserved winner!, great submision, big contest, where I had a lot of fun.
@katrina-fowler Katrina, soooo amazing. Keep up the great work.
Congrats to everyone; it was a very good challenge. Let's meet again in next month
Amazing work, congratulations to everyone.
@Lee-White Thank you so much for this opportunity, loved the challenge! Congrats to everyone - I truly enjoyed the entries and how each one is completely different from the rest! -
Congrats @smceccarelli and to all the runner ups! And thank you @Chip-Valecek for the awesome gallery
@lee-white thanks for the feedback and thanks for doing these contests! Congrats to @smceccarelli and everyone else!
Very nice work here. My first post as I recently joined. Looking forward to July's theme.