Dog and Orchestra Illustration
@MirkaH Love it!
I think the softer line on the first dog’s profile was nicer.
In Photoshop I removed the grey cloud and it looks lovely. I haven’t figured out how to add images here to show you.
This is beautiful! I agree that the grey cloud is distracting, I think just lightening it a bit would solve that. I think maybe brightening the bugs a TINY big might be good too. I love this! I think the pale sky is just asking for some story text up there, or you could put your name and logo and send this out as a post card.
@Sarah-LuAnn You are right. This was what I had thought about having as the cover page for my portfolio, so my name would be in big text in the middle of the page. which was why I was originally thinking of having a white background or a faint background so its not too distracting. But with the way it is now, I think its too busy to have a cover page with my name. granted I've never seen anyones illustration portfolio before, so don't have much to compare to. lol personally from my art background less is more, but with illustration, it seems there is more leeway with how things are put together.
just lovely
I miss the soft sketchy lines outlining the dog's face. I do think the bugs could be a bit more intensely colored--I prefer the more intense warm colors of the first image. (I'm not sure if you mean bright as intense or bright as in clear--closer to primary colors)
@anthemsweet Also, as I am looking at both images, it looks like you got rid of a lot cross hatching, but I really miss it. I think it looks fresher and more lively with it.
thanks everyone. I need to go back and work on it some more.
@anthemsweet the cross hatched lines are still there. its hard to see the details when you have to reduce images a lot to make them attach here.
@MirkaH I love the details on the dog, beautiful!