I've started a new piece, thought I'd try another 'whats going to happen next scene'. any critique is welcome.
Monster and Warrior.
Hey Jason,
This is a tough one to crit for a number of reasons. It is very hard to understand what is happening here as the creature and the guy are just sitting next to one another. They don't look like they are aware of each other. Almost looks like two images side by side.
If they are int the same scene, they aren't relating to each other in any way, so making the audience wonder what is going to happen next is a tall order since you haven't given us the requisite story telling elements to start to piece something together.
I'd use this as a rough character study and make a new image that starts to tell us a bit more about both their relationship and the world they inhabit.
I second everything Lee said!
I also just wanted to add a couple of things... This angle is really cool - it could have some great tension to it, if you can pull the characters into the same scene like Lee said. One of the first things that tell me what's going on in a scene is the characters' eyes - where are they looking? In your piece, the person whose eyes would tell us what to fear/feel/where to look, etc. would be the guy in front, but we can't see his eyes. And because the rest of his face is expressionless, we don't know if he's angry, afraid, ready to do battle, or even aware the monster is behind him - is the monster a dream? I'm looking forward to seeing more of this!
@Lee-White Thanks for your thoughts. I have some ideas for this pic that I will pursue... Loving Fechins work pretty inspiring thanks.
@amberwingart Yeah in my head he was about to dart up a tree not too fussed, I should have thought of this as a series of images rather than a single one... Thanks for your comment.