tips on fur please!
Practicing fur after watching Therese Larsson's video she is Flipping amazing but works so so quickly I found it hard to follow her techniques, I would love love to hear others tricks and tips they have learned on painting fur-Thanks in advance!!!!!!
Well this is how I learned to do it. I used just a regular brush but if you use a hair/fur photoshop brush you'll get a better result and of course the more time you spend on it the better it looks.
Awesome ! Thanks so much Ill give it a try!
@evilrobot nice, I will try this...
@lmrush take a look at I LOVE Aaron Blaise. Such a HUGE inspiration for me. Anyway if you like the video and use Photoshop, I already purchased these brushes. Let me know and I will send them over to you or anyone else that would like them let me know.
@Chip-Valecek Thanks so much for the link I will check it out!
By the way this school and the forum is priceless, overwhelmed how happy I am to be a part of such a supportive community that helps and cheers each other on-Pass the tissues-Thanks everyone!