Very Rough August 3rd Thursday -- Ghost Theme
Please forgive crazy drawing, just don't want to spend too much time if concept is not good.
Idea is ghosts. The lion is supposed to be based on scary pacman - with orange hair, Dorothy could also be more ghost like, and the dress pattern could have bones in it. Tin man skeleton could have more metal like material and rivets etc.
Scarecrow is headless
feedback welcome,
love the theme! the pacman character doesn't seem to fit in that well with the others. Maybe work on that concept a bit more before refining.
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This is the one submitted - does anyone know when the critique/web conference is?
@jnagubadi fun macabre theme. I like that you did a skeleton as—per my pun-oriented mind—a "Skele-tin-man"
They post the link to the webinar in the social media accounts. Here is the content from the SVSLearn Twitter:
"Join us tonight for 3rd Thursday, at 11PM EST! Here is the link to join: "
Thankyou so much, I will try to call in tonight.
Skeletinman is very creative name - didn't think of that.
@jnagubadi Really like how you finished this concept out. They look great. And man that Skele-tin-man really does steal the show. You are definitely onto something there both with the design and that super clever name. I could easily see him having his own story line and t-shirts etc. Very cool!