31 Jul 2015, 19:20

I decided I will put my sketches and progress in this thread and hopefully get some feedback 🙂 On previous thursdays I always had 2 nights or so to do the whole thing, so I hoped I can set more relaxed pace this time and discuss it with others.

I do not have much yet, I did few thumbnails with ideas and then thumbnail with perspective/value study. Now I will try to design the fish-ship, catmonster and Astrid. Yes, it is actually giant cat-ball over her head. I had few more ideas...but in the end I realized I just have to draw flying six legged cat..thing..

Since I was watching perspective courses lately I wanted to do something with it. Thats why the creature is above, so I can play with 3point perspective a bit.


update: I did some designs, but man I have no Idea how to draw my sixlegged cat from bottom. I guess I made its face too flat...