Another master copy
Awhile back I did this master copy:
Well, now I've done another. I actually started it a long time ago and have been chipping away at it, and even though it isn't perfect yet I think I really need to move on--I think I learned what I needed to learn from this piece. Mainly I learned that I don't know nearly enough about creating and manipulating brushes in photoshop--no one like master-of-brushwork Leyendecker to teach me that! So I'm totally watching Lee's photoshop brush class tomorrow.
Progress photos of creating this are here:
Amazing! Great job!
@Sarah-LuAnn Wow - really nice work!
I love these!!
That's really impressive, good work!
Thanks everyone! It was a really great project for learning. My goal is to stop being scared of Photoshop this year!
I love the colors, texture, and lighting in this piece. Fantastic job.
Thanks for posting your blog with your in progress shots. It really showed the process of this painting and what steps you took to get to your final version.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who is interested in the progress pictures.
When you're working on a picture, its really easy to forget what it started out looking like. Awhile back I got in the habit of saving out a JPEG periodically and have really liked being able to see how a piece comes together, and have done it ever since. Glad to know someone else appreciated that too, @laurencrest.
I personally love seeing process pics, it really helps to see something created and molded from the bottom up!! Really nice job!
@Sarah-LuAnn I'm glad I'm not the only one who saves in progress jpgs! They are nice because it allows me to see what work I've done in the last few hours and it helps to prevent me from overworking a piece.
Looking at other people's in progress pictures is nice as well because it shows me different thought processes of how they put an image together that may be better than my method so I always appreciate them for that as well.