7 Jan 2023, 03:28

Howdy, friends!

I’ve asked a similar question before but I still feel like I need answers. I’ve searched all over, trying to figure out what exactly a character sheet should consist of and I have found almost nothing on the whole dang internet or maybe I should say I found a whole lot of different answers. To be clear I don’t mean a character turn around I mean a character sheet that shows poses and expressions.

Some people say not to show close up expression drawings because you can just show those same expressions in a full pose. Some have only 2 or 3 poses and then a ton of expressions. Some don’t show any dynamic poses, only more casual poses.

The reason I’m bothered by this is because there are so many unspoken rules in the art industry and I don’t want to make character sheets that are doing something "wrong". However, as far as I can tell there is nobody in the business who can tell you exactly what a character sheet should look like and ultimately it comes down to personal preference. I’ve been leaning towards a resting pose, dynamic pose, and a wild card pose which is just whatever pose I feel like is a good display of that characters personality. And then maybe 3 or 4 expressions.

Does this sound about right to you all? How do you like to make character sheets?