Is anyone doing folktale week?
I don't think I'm going to do all seven prompts, but I'm probably going to pick one to work on! Love to hear if anyone else is participating!
I'll be joining, but probably not for every prompt.
Iโd like to in theory but I donโt know if Iโll actually have the time for it
I'm doing it! I've been working on my story for a month now, which was not the original plan haha
My Folktale Week Announcement VideoI'm actually sort of scrambling to scan and make the final images for posting right now.
Needless to say I didn't take the challenge lightly. I'm following the lead of Cynthia Cliff and doing a folktale week original story.
Hey there I am working on all seven prompts! I am currently mapping out "Rebel" and trying to keep true to the folktale of the time and the sort of storyline of each traditional tale. Taking this seriously, as I consider each piece to be a study in historical and artistic context of the day these tales were originated.
Trying to contain myself and not post until the day of, next week. I really want to post now but have to be an adult here. My sister is breaking cardinal rules in putting her Christmas tree up WAAAYYYY before Thanksgiving, lol so I am considering myself to be good and stick with the rules maybe just a little. I can hear my mom giggling in my head because she's the one who is by the book! LOL Ok back to work.
I am hoping to join too, but I haven't made a whole lot of progress on it thus far, so we will see if I do it or not . I am excited to see what everyone does.
@baileyvidler I thought about it, but if I do it will probably be pencil sketches. Iโm doing the National Novel Writing Month and thatโs a lot already. But sketch breaks seem nice.
Folktale week Day 1 - Fool
This is a Russian folktale of three brothers, Emelyan the Fool, is lazy and doesn't want to work, happens to meet a pike who grants his wish to take care of his every whim, much to the dismay of his brothers who have to work. The king is fascinated and wants to meet this fool but it would mean Emelyan would have to travel in the cold and so he wishes for the stove to carry him to the palace and keep him warm. The King's daughter falls in love with him and they live a life of total abundance, and everyone can't figure out how Emelyan does it!
@baileyvidler i definitely would love to but Schedule is just swarmed. Lolz
@ArtistErin how wonderful! Great job!
@Mia-Clarke Thank you!
FolkTale week Day 2 Tree
A Hungarian Folk tale... This Hungarian Folk Tale is about a magical tree in the forest, where a hunter goes into the forest and to cut wood... finds the tree and figures out after three attempts, the fairy that sprouts out of each branch announces she wants water and nothing else. He had to learn the hard way; the first time he gives her wine, she dies, then he fumbles and spills his canteen, she dies again, then the third time he wises up and gives her the water!
SO... she comes out with the help of friendly woodland creatures in the forest, escapes a witch who puts a spell on her to keep her a servant and she marries the huntsman and finds happiness.
This illustration was a departure for me in style however I found such liberation in the limited palette and simple shapes.
Folktale week, Day 3 Star
This is such a sweet story, a German Folktale "The Star Money", about a little girl who helps all who come to her.
She loves to help others and gives all she owns, down to the shoes on her feet, and as she realizes she has nothing left she asks a wise old man how she is to live in the world without any shoes to walk in... He reassured her; don't worry, child, soon your heart wish shall be granted as your kindness is not forgotten.
She gazed in amazement at the glittering gold in the night sky and in appreciation for its beauty. The stars saw her pure heart and showered themselves down to her in the form of gold, and from then on she lived in great abundance, for many years. -
@ArtistErin This is so lovely. I like how the trees go outside the border of the sky.
@Kim-Rosenlof Thank you Kim, that means so much to me
Folktale week Day 4 Rebel
Jack and the Beanstalk- a true rebel going against all odds to discover he will get to the top and never give up until he has the life he dreams of.
@ArtistErin Oh, Erin, these are all so lovely! I had to scrap my plans for folktale week in favor of another project, and seeing these is just so inspiring and makes me wish I could have planned my week better.
@Mia-Clarke Yeah I have good intentions for so many things I want to do I get overwhelmed with all the possiblities sometimes. OMG.. If I could write a novel about the crazy artist brain, I would...
Your Glow submission is stunning just had to tell you
@ArtistErin Thank you! That makes me happy to hear.
I am, sorta... I found it too late, and didn't truly understand the idea behind it. I bought StoryCamp Disco's guidebook package, and now I'm kinda in awe... I'm going to respond to some of the prompts like I would a normal "prompt word challenge" like so many others, but reading the guide illuminated so many deep rabbit holes to explore and contemplate. I really look forward to next year, when I can do it right/better and give it the time it deserves.
I won't be able to post these in a timely fashion, but I relish the opportunity to let them nest in my brain and heart for a while. Since I'm behind, I'm just going to let these happen when they happen.
Here are my first two.