@mia-clarke Oh definitely don't scrap the umbrella girl pieces! To me they are the most beautiful and interesting of your work. I also love the image you've used for the header of your website. It feels mysterious and soft, and I LOVE the textures you've used in it. I think that and the 4 images with the girl and the umbrella are your strongest pieces. To me the others feel a little unfinished. My suggestion would be to work on creating more pieces at and above the level of these, focusing on diversifying shapes, subject matter, etc.
Will has a list of 100 things that should be in a portfolio. I've found that it's very helpful for generating ideas you wouldn't normally come up with. I've played a game with myself by with numbering all the items in each catigory on that list and rolling several dice to sort of mix and match things to try to include in a new portfolio illustration. I've come up with some interesting new ideas that way, and my portfolio is slowly fleshing out.
On 3 Point Perspective they have talked several times about how when you're first starting out your portfolio should be completely changing every 6 months. I know that might not be quite possible for those of us with kids, full time jobs, etc, but I think that the general principle is sound. Always be thinking about what the next step is for your portfolio, and keep shooting higher. Keep working and you'll get there! You've got some beautiful things going on already.