How Do I Get To The Next Level?
Art by Mag TakacHow can I start small as a professional illustrator, and how do I move up when I’m ready? How can I stay motivated during long, challenging projects? Hear Jake Parker, Lee White, and Will Terry answer these questions and more in this episode!
@Jake-Parker @Will-Terry @Lee-White Thanks so much for the solid advice, guys! It's really encouraging to get some feedback on my work. Thanks for taking the time.
@Valerie-Light I looked at your website and noticed that your Storm and your treehouse pieces are not in your portfolio yet. I would definitely put them in. They are really great!
@Valerie-Light I also feel a bit intimidated with doing a book and everything that goes with it . Thanks for asking this question.
@Kim-Rosenlof Yes! if I'd known the guys were directing traffic my way I would've spruced things up a bit first! I looked at my Wix traffic report this morning, saw 300+ hits, and thought "am I suddenly famous?"
EDIT: i've just done a quick refresh on my website and I'm already feeling way better about it. So, to anyone who listens to this episode after now: you'll be getting a different impression than the 3PP hosts did. Hope you like it!
@Jake-Parker Hi everyone, I forgot that we could discuss each episode here so I left my comment at YouTube. I'm José, the one with the question regarding self publishing. I completely agree with the things the guys pointed out but I was hoping they hadn't seen the new work I started producing after a portfolio review with an art director (a month after sending my question) because I felt it was kind of a big leap for me.
Thank you Jake, Lee and Will
@Jose-A-Nieto congrats, Jose! Your work reads as cheerful, cute, and clear to me. Really solid stuff. What are you working on right now?
@Jose-A-Nieto Your work looks really good! Nice to see a fellow Venezuelan in the forum :D. I thought I was he only one .
@Valerie-Light Thank you Valerie, I really appreciate your comment. I'm slowly working on new portfolio pieces and waiting for a response to several emails I sent to art directors and reps
How about you?
@Jose-A-Nieto Thanks Jose! I'm mostly focused on portfolio building and contests right now, and trying to hone my style to be a bit more consistent before I try marketing. I might try to do a portfolio review soon, but I haven't decided where yet.
@Eliana-Bastidas Heeeyoo! Not at all, we are everywhere lol