SVS Virtual Studio JUNE 2022🌞
Working on a gag gift for my brother, who facetiously tells people he follows the Cleveland Browns to get them to quit asking if he watched the Seahawks game.
@Melissa-Candrasaputra Yup! Are you applying for it too? All the best for it, hope you'll be able to share some of that work on the forums too
@patricialamas nice lettering!
@Asyas_illos Thanks!
@kylebeaudette Did you draw this with dip pen and ink?
@kylebeaudette I love his personality
Sketching a concept for my regional masthead entry
@PenAndrew microns and watercolour
@patricialamas you really have some skills!
@kylebeaudette Oh I love microns but they are a recent discovery, i have the Micron PN and the Pigma brush pen and one 0.5, that's good to know. I like these pens a lot.
@kirsten-mcg Thank you!! I find that starting with some pencil shading helps me keep more dramatic values. I hope you have fun with it! I'd love to see what you create
@PenAndrew Thank you I used to use mainly colored pencils with harder leads but I have been loving the softer prismacolor leads as of late. They leave a nice texture on cold and softpress watercolor papers. I especially love using their pinks to add some rosy cheeks as a final touch to characters. I hope you have fun with experimenting!
@HollyOakley omg yes! I love doing that. I haven't used that technique lately for some reason but it's amazing how smooth the blending is. I used to use that technique alot for realistic colored pencil drawings on hotpress paper (which I haven't done in a while mainly bc they end up taking soo long - very relaxing process tho)
@demotlj By textured paper I mean watercolor paper that has some tooth. There's a few different types of watercolor paper. The ones I mainly use are hotpress (smooth/no texture), cold press (rough-ish texture), and softpress (sort of rough but not as much as cold press). Cold and hotpress papers are more common and you can probably find them in most craft stores. I buy Fabriano softpress paper online. I find it's my favorite because it allows for easy watercolor blending like coldpress but also fine colored pencil details like hotpress (since I usually prefer to paint small the coldpress paper texture can make it hard to draw fine lines in colored pencil). Anyways I'd recommend testing them out. I think I got a watercolor paper sample pack off Jerrry's artarama a couple years ago and that's how I first discovered softpress - otherwise I would have never known it existed since I've never seen it sold in an art store before.
You mention you use ink - have you ever tried inktense pencils? I rarely use them (mainly because I forget I have some) but they are veryy fun to use. They'd probably be right up your ally since you use watercolor, ink, and pencil.
@patricialamas This sort of painting blows my mind. It's soo perfectt. Great job!
@kylebeaudette I absolutely love this. hehe
@Mary-Toth I have gone back and forth between cold press and hotpress papers, liking the first better for watercolor and the second better for the ink. Right now I'm mostly painting in a Pentalic Aqua Journal which might be kind of like the softpress paper you describe because it is coldpress but not as rough as Arches so it works better for the kind of line and wash I usually do.
I've used watercolor pencils but never inktense pencils. I looked them up and they look interesting -- I'll have to give them a try.
This is slightly random, but I'm taking a break from my children's book work and moving through the foundation courses, and am kind of speeding through the first one on colour. There was an exercise on colour harmony which involved colouring the teacher's work, which was a bit too boring for me, so I decided to do some rabbit studies that double as colour harmony exercises in preparation for next month's prompt. I realize I haven't tried rendering realistic fur digitally since I got back into doing art regularly so this was fun trying to figure out what brushes work.
They are very creatively named the "complementary hare", the "analogous bunny", and the "monochromatic rabbit"
Made this for my portfolio