Feb Prompt | Frankenstein's Monster Truck | WIP
Still a bit messy, but here's my WIP for a children's book spread. Can everyone tell what all the animals are?
Next, I need to figure out what the underside of a monster truck looks like and make the scene look like a garage+lab+trashed
For the text, I drew over some fonts to give it a rougher feel--but I'm worried if that could be considered too messy for a children's book...? Any thoughts or know if they talk about it in a course/podcast?
@miranda-hoover This has a ton of power already. I see a turtle, not sure what Riley is yet. Feels a bit bird-like but need more clues. Oh, and I just spotted the bunny and cheetah. LOL. This is so fun. Re: the text, that would usually be decided by the publisher so you can just put the text there as a placeholder. I would give the text more breathing room, though.
@miranda-hoover It already looks awesome imho! The animal characters are great, I see a turtle, a rabbit, dog (?) and Riley seems to be a bird. If he is a bird, I would make the legs and feet more typical and add some feather indicators. But his pose and expression are fantastic!
I am a bit torn if I would put in the 'It's alive'. It is funny as a Frankenstein quote but on the other hand the truck should obviously look alive. I think that is a individual decission. For the truck I would make small changes to indicate it is indeed right in the moving. For example the most front wheel could be in the air like a leg about to step down. Just ideas, it is really already working so well! -
@miranda-hoover the animals seem pretty clear to me. Turtle, sloth, rabbit, cheetah.
@Johanna-Kim @Holumpa @Griffin Thanks so much for your feedback!
I was worried Riley was looking bird-like. Hopefully, some cleanup and adjustments will make him read as a sloth more clearly. I'll also work a bit more on the cheetah.
@Johanna-Kim Thanks! I'll give that text a little more space.
@Holumpa Oh, I never thought of making the truck step--I like that idea. I'll play with it a bit to see if I can make it work. I'm also torn on the "It's Alive" for similar reasons; I'll have to think about that a bit more Thanks!