Taking the leap :) and getting a Yiynova
So my dog Tinkerbell went on a diet and said I could buy a Yiynova. :)... So I'm poor and have years of change I've been pushing to the side and here it is, my Yiynova fund. I'm coming from a Wacom Bamboo Create (which is the only thing I've worked on). Off to Krogers to deposit in the change machine, get an amazon card and I'm off to the races. If anyone would like an update as to how the Yiynova is for me I will let you know.! By the way, I'm poor so I can't afford the cintiq lol I hope my choice is a good one.
Congratulations! I think you will love it! It's a HUGE improvement from working with a tablet.
@Kris-Knight YAY! Have fun with your new "toy".
I got the Yiynova MVP22U (V3) around Christmas this last year. It's great! I've never worked on a Cintiq so I really don't have anything to compare it to, but I really like it. The only thing I find a challenge still is drawing straight or nicely curved lines without rotating the canvas. It seems I can only get a smooth line if the line is being drawn vertically on the screen. If the canvas isn't completely vertical, it draws the line quite shaky, almost like it's a bowling lane and your ball, even though going straight, curves off suddenly cause there's a warp in the lane. So slightly annoying, but I can work around it at least with the rotate canvas feature in PS.
Also - I don't miss the abundance of hot keys that everyone raves about with the Cintiqs cause I prefer keyboard shortcuts anyhow. And my keyboard is wireless so I can position it wherever is comfortable next to my monitor.
Maybe one day we'll both have a Cintiq and be like man! this thing is amazing. But for now I'm sure you'll enjoy your Yiynova as much as I do
Fantastic news, i am hoping to get on soon.
That is the exact one I'm getting :).... I'm glad you like it! That helps reassure me. Yeah, riding high on a cadillac cintiq.... one day... one day. hahaha. -
Thanks Lee. I can't wait to try it out -
You won't regret your choice.
Awesome... I'm actually very glad to hear the positive feedback about this choice. Thanks Rob. -
If your working on a Mac don't be too quick to jump to the latest version of the O.S.
Yiynova is a little slow in updating their drivers. Currently I am running my Yiynova with the most recent version of the O.S. and all seems to working okay. Check with the Yiynova website often to seem what version of the Mac O.S they are supporting. -
lol.... Yes, absolutely... I've had issues with other things like that when it comes to my mac. Good advice Rob. -
Good luck, I love my Yiynova it's a good investment, but Cintiq is absolutely on my wish list.
awesome! You will have so much fun and improvement with this! Sorry you had to sell your dog to get it XD.
My only suggestion is that you should buy the 19", i got the greatest and I only use the pencil on the center or right part of the screen, yiynova offers good quality/prize, it's not worse than cintiqs (I've used cintiq at uni)
Even with money cintiqs are not worth it, probably you have better priorities to do with 2k bucks than buying a sighly better tablet-monitor