May I have a little critique? Someone told me the eyes look wonky
I hope you're having a lovely day! I am shamelessly asking for critique.I purposefully wanted to keep these little drawings simple and cute, without much detail. But someone told me the eyes look weird and lifeless. It's not my usual style, but I didn't think it looked weird. Now I'm unsure. What do y'all think? And thank you for your time!
@Daisy hi! I love this. Maybe u can add some sparkles into their eyes
@Nyrryl-Cadiz @Daisy Nyrryl's idea is really good. I like the eyes, they don't look wonky to me. I wonder if gently underlining the lower part of the eye with a darker colour than the skin tone would be something that might bring more focus to the eyes. Looks good to me.
Thank you @Nyrryl-Cadiz and @Judy-Elizabeth-Wilson! I will try that
They look fine to me, too. Lovely little set you have! If really concerned you could always try the horizontal flip, see if it still holds up.
When they said the eyes look wonky, they probably meant that they look lazy. The creatures are all fine, and bucket kid is too. But all the girls got very subtle lazy eyes. Just move their pupils a tiny bit and it'll be good!
@Nico-Ecenarro @Daisy Yes, this is a great tip from Nico.