Looking for advice on wip
So I’ve been working on this on and for the last few days and I’m having a really hard time with the background mountains. I can’t seem to get them right if any one can offer advise it would be much appreciated thank you
Attached is my work plus the reference I’m basing off of with minor changes
I've been following your other thread and find your work amazing. In comparing this one to the photo, I think that the background mountains have a little more definition and texture in the photo than you have painted. The atmospheric loss of detail is more gradual in the photo -- the farthest mountains in the photo are textureless but the ones immediately in the background are still close enough so that you can see some of the line and crags.
I look forward to seeing more of what you are doing.
@demotlj thank you it means alot. Lately I have been struggling to enjoy/like my own work and l am not sure why. I am excited about this piece and hopefully will like it in the end. As for those back mountains I agree. That’s what I had noticed as well and maybe it’s my eyes or my iPad but it seems the photo gets a little blurry there for me but I will try again this morning and see if I can fix it. Thank you again
@demotlj ended up scraping the entire back mountain range and starting over lol just couldn’t get past it. So here’s hoping the next try goes smoother or rather less smoother and more detailed
Okay so i have worked in the new background mountains what do you guys think?