The Gentle Giant Inn - April WIP
Hello there, this is the initial sketch for my fairy tale inn submission.
A careless giant who long ago turned to stone has become the host of a mouse-run inn. Beetle steeds can be parked under the foot and food is served by the chef from the hip-hut. The proprietor of the establishment lives atop the lofty perch of the knee-house. Mips the trusty lookout is keeping an eye out for any roaming cats from atop the old giant club.
My initial attempts to draw the giant in anything resembling a correct perspective failed miserably, so I posed a character in 3D software to get it right instead. This actually turned out to be a great alternative (or complement) to thumbnailing, where you move the camera around until you find a composition that looks good.
Hope you like it - feedback and ideas are very welcome.
@Morten-Christiansen Cool idea. The only thing I'd say is that there's a lot of grey. I would think that over time some moss of greenery would have have blanketed or sprouted on various parts of your statue. Adding textures will really make this piece interesting.
@Larue Thanks. That is definitely the plan. These base colors where just added to communicate the materials and get a feel for the composition. In black and white all the linework made it difficult to tell apart.
The skulls are what really sell it for me. Hehehe. Nice detail.
Second pass on the sketch. I like how this one is turning out. I'll have to pick a rendering style next I think.
@Morten-Christiansen Nice line work. Looking forward to seeing it in color.
@Larue Thank you, me too I've started working on the color, but it's an unfamiliar technique, so I have no idea how well it will turn out.
Making progress with the colors. Does the vines distract from the line-work? Maybe it should be less contrasty in value.
Getting very close to the finished version. I'll step away from it for a bit to see if there are a few more finishing touches I want to add, but generally this is about what I expect to end up with.
I really like the composition of this. Nice work.
@Jonathon-B-Baker-0 Thank you, I really appreciate it.
I worry that the details of the drawing will get lost a bit. Just tried copying it into the competition template and it is just so small I think that the textured look might work against me at that scale.