11 Feb 2021, 08:16

@JuliAnneMcEvers Spot on, me too - I turn 40 this year, have worked in graphic design for a lot of years now, and really want to make a go of this illustration dream I've had forever. I decided this year is the one, I'm pushing hard to get a portfolio together by June/July. I work full time and have a little human who just started her first year of school, so time is hopefully (I think) going to become more structured... we'll see.

I often sneak 15-20 minutes of lesson video with breakfast while everyone is asleep in the early hours. Chipping away at it.

Currently finding myself torn this way and that with all the different challenges, and various incarnations of inktober. I've got to sit down and decide which I can realistically complete, and which push me towards my goals. I also have notebooks of stories, google docs, domain names, all sorts of things brewing away in the background!

I do agree with the hitting your stride in your 30s and 40s. Especially coming from a design background; criticism is easier to take, and familiarity with composition and the digital technical side of things is invaluable. Practice practice practice, just didn't have the years of it earlier šŸ™‚

I'm in Australia, so it's a very small publishing industry by US standards. I may be jumping ahead of myself, but honestly, I'm not planning on focusing my efforts locally. I will try local of course, but I have my eye on the UK market for children's book publishing.

@carlianne I feel you on the rent, we're in Melbourne, and it's crazy. We have moved a lot to chase the cheap rent... we dream of living out of the city, but not quite there yet.