10 Feb 2021, 09:26

This podcast was so relevant! I'll mention just a couple of ways:

The location question: I actually started doing illustration in part because I moved overseas. I wanted to re-enter the traditional oil portrait market once my daughter grew up but realized I couldn't compete anymore from abroad (excessive costs, bureaucracy). Then one day I saw my first Intuos and thought, "Oh, now that would solve a lot of problems! You just click and send!" Of course, there were other challenges to overcome, but that was an "Aha!" moment, and besides, I was tired of being so tied to reference and had long wanted to try illustration.

A lot of overseas artists want to enter the American market, because advances are based on sales and the market is simply much bigger. Italian illustrators don't even get a tenth of what Americans get as an advance. Instead they hope to have their work translated into English and picked up in the US and British markets. And likewise, when you go into bookstores here, they are full of foreign books translated into Italian (mostly French, Spanish and American ones). I asked why once, and was told it was because it was cheaper to re-publish a book that had already been published elsewhere. This is all sad news for Italy, though, because there is a lot of talent here, and Italy has its own style (or at least I perceive one).

All of this leads to the second point that hit home with me: the age factor. I always laugh when you guys call people in their thirties late-starters. I have always drawn, so I hope the basic capacity is there. But I took Will's (I think it was Will's) words very seriously when he talked about possibly having a dated style. I tend to draw more realistically than most illustrators, and people sometimes tell me I have a nostalgic style, so I was already really wanting a portfolio review to get some feedback on that. The podcast just convinced me of it all the more.

Speaking of which, will SVS offer portfolio reviews again anytime soon? If I had known it would only be offered that one time (early last year, I think?), I would have jumped on it right then! Thanks!