WIP Yeti home - feedback please!
Hi. Hope you’re all having fun being Yeti home architects. I see some fab houses have already been built! I’ve created a rough sketch for my Yeti’s treehouse - he’s made it himself and has realised that the construction needs a bit more support, so he’s working on that at the moment.
I want to make it look a bit more homemade and ramshackle in the final piece I think, but have been spending several days battling with perspective and composition and now I’ve got to the point where I can’t see the wood for the trees, so wondered if you had any thoughts.
Is it working? If anyone has a moment and can give me some feedback that would be great. Any suggestions or critiques very welcome! Thank you!
@ruth I think it’s adorable and I do think the perspective looks correct can’t wait to see where it goes!
@ruth super cute! It does seem to me he is a tad large compared to the door and overall size of his house. He does looks the appropriate size for the hammock though. Can't wait to see your progress!
@ambiirae Thank you for your encouragement!
@KaraDaniel Yes, I see what you mean. I'll try adjusting the size of the house a bit. Thank you!
@ruth it looks great! Maybe move the mountain line on the right so the bottom doesn't line up with the bottom of the house
I think this is adorable, and I liked what you said about maybe making the house look a bit more ramshackle in the finished piece. If you disjoint some of the angles in your nicely drawn architecture, I think it'd add to the story of the picture with him shoring up the foundation for a good reason, you know? Nice work!
@carrieannebrown Yes, good spot. thank you!
@Valerie-Light Thank you! That's exactly how I see it in my head! Whether I can translate it onto the page is another matter...