My First Book
Hello everyone! I'm super excited to share the 'Lift the flap - Opposites' children's book I have worked on at the start of this year, with Vaaranam publishers (Australia) who produce high-end Tamil (South Asian language) children's books, mainly for kids promoting diversity in terms of language and culture in children's books.
It was a journey, I have started pursuing illustration full time from the start of this year and I made huge progress in the journey, I'm learning a lot every day and I have to be thankful for svs learn to have helped me alot in this process.
Incorporating diversity in visual representation is important to show a sense of acceptance, understanding, and relatability to children across all cultures and races and I'm very happy to have been part of this project.
@Navya-Raju it looks beautiful! congratulations!!!!
@Navya-Raju Nice job, you did well, first book is always special.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Thank you so much Nyrryl!
@MichaelaH Yes! It's quite exciting
Thank you
@Navya-Raju Wow!!! Absolutely gorgeous work, congrats!
@Navya-Raju That's super exciting to hold your first book -treasure it.
@NessIllustration Thank you Ness!
@Heather-Boyd It is very exciting! I can't wait to make an International picture book debut soon
Congratulations @Navya-Raju!!!
@Jeremy-Ross Thank you, Jeremy!
Congratulations, @Navya-Raju ! Very vibrant and appealing!
Congratulations!! What a beautiful book!!
Congratulations! It's so inspiring to see people achieving their goals. Thanks for sharing
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@Pamela-Fraley Thank you Pamela!
It has been quite a learning experience, really looking forward to doing more this year.
@mollylgm Thank you! That is so sweet of you
I really love your book. Congratulations!
@Navya-Raju congratulations Navya.. its so special when you hold that 1st book in your hand.. and what a great to start the new year