25 Sept 2020, 20:43

Hello again!

Defending Coruscant - Jonathan Malski.jpg
Defending Coruscant
8.5 x 11 inches
300 dpi

I finished this image about a week ago.
It features a Star Wars 65th Coruscant Guard phase I clone trooper of my own creation. I love the design of the Republic army in that franchise, so I'll often play around with armor patterns to create my own characters for the Grand Army of the Republic. I'm calling this character Captain Glint!

Some extra details about the character's design:

  • He's part of the 65th Coruscant Guard (a canonical Star Wars clone legion), whose troopers bear red markings of various patterns.
  • His helmet cheek armor design comes from Commander Bacara, who can be seen in the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith movie
  • His chest armor is the same of official phase I clone gunners

Things I take issue with on this piece:

  1. The character's right foot position (the foot on the left side of the image). I like the pose, but the way I drew that particular foot makes it feel as if it's not in the same perspective. I feel that if it was moved back in the image, the issue could have been avoided.

  2. The angle of the red laser bolt. I wanted to make it seem as if the character's holding his ground while getting shot at; I think I achieved that, but I also think it could have been portrayed even better if the angle of the red laser matched the angle of the blue one. The red laser's current position seems off to me.

  3. The lack of of overall warmth in the color scheme. I added a blue "wash," I guess you could call it, over the foreground as I wanted it to appear in shadow. I also added an amount of light-yellow highlights to help brighten up the areas of the character that are cathing the light. But I think I should've added more still, because, as it is right now, I think the piece lacks some "pop," some "umph" in the colors, specifically the highlights.

Thank you for giving this a read, look at, and/or comment; I appreciate all the constructive criticism I can get!