Here are some stuff I’ve been doing to figure out better designs for the things ive drawn
My comic
So I started my outerspace comic.
Heres the first 2 test pages. They’re ok but i forgot to include some stuff, abd didn’t really design a lot of the ideas i had and also messed up a few things. I’m not looking for feedback or anything but you’re welcome to leave me some if ya want. The main point of this post is to see how I can apply the things ive learned on svslearn over the last 2 years ive been a member.
@ArtofAleksey YEAH! The terminal train conductor? if that's what he's called....lifting his hat and that smile gave me giggles. I will keep reading.
@Heather-Boyd yeah haha
This is really neat! I love the textures in the asteroids. How long is the finished comic going to be?
@baileymvidler not sure, i think its gonna be ongoing right now i wrote 30 pages.
i love this!
- 8 days later
Page 2!
Ive figured out a process that works for me! I printed out a small template of a miniaturized version of a comic page to do my thumbnails and roughs. Then scanned it and lowered the opacity and enlarged the image, printed it out and traced over it on tracing paper. The next step would be to scan it and enlarge it again, and reprint it on 11x17 paper then ink it
This is super fantastic work!! I'm super impressed with your background details - your setting feels so real! I can't wait to see more.
@korilynneillo do they really? Haha i really struggle with environments so thank you.
@ArtofAleksey that's how I have currently done as well that process: thumbnail, scan, edit, resize, print.
@ArtofAleksey all the panels aside from the swoosh swoosh one look good. Swoosh swoosh train one is harder to identify because there is so much dramatic contrast. Perhaps the kid one as well.