@johnchoi Thanks so much. A hissing cat would have been a great idea and I wish I had thought of it earlier but I've already started the painting process and figuring out the colors may take me the rest of the month!
April Contest WIP
Lol, what a hilarious idea! One suggestion I have is to include Lisa in the background pulling her hair out or something like that showing her distress, haha. Great job!
@demotlj This is looking so fun. I can’t wait to see the final. Cute concept.
@demotlj Love the cat!
@sarahlash I'm happy that you were able to figure out that it is a cat. I discovered that I'm terrible at drawing cats (probably because I only own dogs.)
@demotlj easily my favorite I’ve seen so far! It’s fun, lots of movement and dynamics. Love the expression(lessness) of the robot - totally just doing its thang. What if the cat is hissing instead?
@johnchoi Thanks so much. A hissing cat would have been a great idea and I wish I had thought of it earlier but I've already started the painting process and figuring out the colors may take me the rest of the month!
Hi, this is coming along nicely! I think the blue works best because it's a nicer contrast against the pinkish cabinet, floor and cat/bin colors which are all warmer. I think the green is too close and begins to clash with the yellow and red tones in the rest of the scene. Cheers!
@natiwata After I posted it and looked at them side by side, I started to lean more towards the blue too.
Looking good! Lots of fun little things to see with the cans doing mischief.