@Laurel-Aylesworth I have heard other people mention that course but it doesn't appear to be available anymore. I wonder if that material was absorbed into another course.
Which course teaches about keywords?
I know a lot of people on the forum will use keywords as they develop a composition describing what they want to convey in that illustration. Is that a technique that is taught in one of the SVS courses and if so, which one?
@demotlj Turbocharging Your Creativity is where I learned about it. It's such a great tool, and I keep coming back to those keywords while working on a piece. If the artwork doesn't match the keyword I know I'm on the wrong track.
@Laurel-Aylesworth I have heard other people mention that course but it doesn't appear to be available anymore. I wonder if that material was absorbed into another course.
@demotlj I don't think so. It's a very hands on kind of course with weekly critiques. But I do recommend it if it ever comes back. It talks about keywords, thumbnails, visual metaphors, etc.
I do wish they would convert this one into a class. It was exceptional and could really help a lot of others here develop a better process.
@demotlj If you take a look at the youtube videos from @Lee-White he covers a bit of the creative process shared in the turbocharging course. Can't remember if he goes over keys words in particular, but it'll kinda point you in the right direction and give you the gist of it