Draw a couch from the shapes provided. Homework from workbook 2.
My gma had wood furniture like this. I inherited her chair. The cushions were too old and they fell apart but the wood is still beautiful. The cushion material wasn’t patterned like this but i wouldn’t have been surprised if it had been. Orange and olive green were a common occurrence in her house.
Creative Environment class
@burvantill i remember doing these excercises, they really are fun!
@burvantill Awesome! This is one of the classes where I learned a LOT and it really changed my drawing (for the better). Thinking in silhouette is a game changer.
- 8 days later
- 28 days later
Finally finished the value/composition study from the workbook. I picked images that I liked but I think I liked some of the images for reasons other than good composition. I could tell the difference between a good composition and a not great composition as soon as I tried to replicate them. This is definitely a good learning tool.
I moved on to workbook 2 and had to make a village hut from shapes provided. It was relaxing just to draw and invent on the fly. I did use some reference for details tho.
Wow, great work! This looks like so much fun! I have got to complete some of what I'm working on now first though. I have a habit of wanting to jump right in and start something new that sounds like so much fun like this, but I think I need catch up with myself - Book covers, heads, hands, monthly contest and that's only the tip of the iceburg.
@burvantill the value studies were really good, thinking back. Now bringing it forward I want to find both more children's book backgrounds and a collection of landscape backgrounds (separate) to value study like this. Maybe I can squeeze it in this week before starting the magic of colour class (then post it here next Wednesday).
Good work on progressing through all this!
Draw a couch from the shapes provided. Homework from workbook 2.
My gma had wood furniture like this. I inherited her chair. The cushions were too old and they fell apart but the wood is still beautiful. The cushion material wasn’t patterned like this but i wouldn’t have been surprised if it had been. Orange and olive green were a common occurrence in her house.
@burvantill I just started going through the class, but I'll post what I do as I work on it. Here are my building silhouettes, this definitely didn't come naturally to me and some of them are still a bit unclear.
@Braxton Great shapes! I think this was my favorite part of the class. Silhouettes.
I think the first column 3rd row is my personal favorite. -
@burvantill thanks! It was cool to look at yours and see things I totally didn’t think of. On to trees next...
@Braxton I like the long legged spider or on stilts house.
- 11 days later
Hi so I just decided to show you my best 4 on here, when I did them last year, if that's alright. Because you asked to see them. I had soooo much fun in spite of the challenge lols.
@Heather-Boyd These are great! Thankyou for sharing.
Making little greyscale versions was a great idea. I may steal that.
- 11 days later
I finished the last assignment!
Take an element from the previous subjective assignment and make an objective study of it. I used the tiny cabin from my third value and composition image. It’s a thatched roof that slopes toward the back. I’m hoping that comes across and doesn’t just look like a perspective issue. Lol.
Anyway, I’m done. How’s that perspective group comin’ @Braden-Hallett ?