12 Jan 2020, 21:32

To those of you still workin' at it, here's week 6! To those of you who feel you're kinda falling behind or somesuch, keep going anyway! This is not a scaffolded course at this point (we're not building on the previous lesson much) we're just exploring different lighting scenarios. So feel free to do this week's homework even if you missed last week's!

This week is rim light and rays of light!

Reminder: Everyone's welcome to participate, but in order to have access to the classes and homework you need an SVS subscription. It's worth it.

Feel free to do digital or traditional. It's all good.

This week!


Revisit 'lighting situations and watch the short section on rim light and rays of light. I'm PRETTY sure there's no painting demo for these guys. I am a silly. Watch the demo for 'light beam' as well.


Continue exercise 9 in the workbook!

Using either the lizard (quite the lizard) in the workbook or your own drawing (a sphere or object would be fine) AND REFERENCE (this is more for me than anything else because I'm still resisting using it!!!) paint a rim light and rays of light scenario.


Feel free to post your work for feedback and support here!

Painting these lighting scenarios is already starting to pay off for me. I don't ever think I actually asked the question 'what's the light doing' before starting painting. Which is bad. Very bad.

Is anyone else experiencing improvement from doing these exercises?