@Lee-White Thank you so much!! Fantastic paint over, it really helps the overall read of the image and I love the pose you used on the boy. I am definitely going to steal him for now, reprint the line and have another practice go at this if you don't mind (ps I pretty much stole your shed too lol) and then later maybe try another one too and see where I can go with it. I like the idea of trying a night scene with a limited palette but it is way tricky...
I will definitely be taking your beginner's watercolor class! I need it badly and I'm looking forward to it. Right now, I do ok with flowers in watercolor etc but the second I have anything with any sort of story narrative and characters I freeze up!
I love how you use mixed media in your watercolor paintings it makes the whole process a little less terrifying and more interesting for me, so thanks!! Your videos are great!
Your image of the boy with the moon out the window is absolutely enchanting, thanks for sharing your tip on the issues you ran into with his face and the light house. It came out beautifully.