Portfolio pieces WIP- help please
Hi, everyone! I’m at it again. This time I’m aiming to create 4 portfolio worthy pieces by August.
In light of this month’s Summer theme, I decided to make a summer piece as well. Fun fact, this really happened last May when I my friends and I decided to go snorkling. My friends knew how to swim but I didn’t. So as they dove to experience the ocean life, I bobbed above water only ocassionally dunking my head to see what’s happening below the surface. Oh! Did I mention I have motion sickness as well? Yeah, so as time went on, I felt sick just riding the waves and eventually, I puked my gut out. I vomitted my entire luch and ruined the whole experience. Hahaha LOL
oh, well...
More are to come. I’m also still working on my Tortoise and Hare series so watch out for that too. Also, any comment/critique is highly appreciated. Thanks!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Ha ha ha I know what You mean, this motion sickness ...therefore no swing or swinging chair for me..or boat or something that swings my brain...Looks like great thumbnail.
@MichaelaH oh, swings!!! I know the feeling lol
pretty much all vehicles actually
Hi everyone! Here’s an update!
Loving it so far, but I wonder if adjusting the angle of the turtle might work a bit better than it's current pose. Also I think it might be worth checking to see if extending the canvas down slightly will help the weight of the scene at the bottom. Good work
@Gary-Wilkinson definitely! I was thinking of extending the canvas too.
Nice job!!!!
I’ve been doing more sketches. This one’s from “The Legend of the Mango” a local folklore here in the Philippines. The story tells of a kind girl who has a literal heart of gold which shines whenever she helps others. One day, when a plague of locust devastates her village. She drives them away by using her heart as a beacon, leading the insects away. The girl never returned but one day the barren trees started to bear golden, heart-shaped fruits. At that moment, the girl’s mother knew her daughter finally came home.
I love that story. Anyway, here they are.
What a wonderful story! I love the way you're framing both spreads with the mangoes and insects! Very lovely work -
Hi everyone! Here’s an update.
Beautiful! You did a great job capturing that heartfelt moment!
@Alicja-W thanks! That means a lot.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz beautiful painting. Great composition, color and story can't really say much else apart from that
@Gary-Wilkinson thanks!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Looks so nice, lovely with the light, nice colors
@MichaelaH thank you!
Hi, everyone! I’ve been working on new pieces. Here are some rough sketches.
Here’s an update. I want to finish the line work tonight.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz I absolutely love this!
@Kuarahy Thanks. This one is of the folklore Ibong Adarna( The Adarna Bird) which is about this bird which can cure all sickness through its song. It’s hard to catch though because if you hear its song it can also send you into a deep slumber and if its droppings fall on you, you’ll turn into stone.
Here’s another update everyone!