Trouble with Colour -Godzilla
And is Godzilla in a separate layer by chance?
Actually this video helped me figure it out - better to just give you the source. About half way through she goes into how to select a color and then manipulate it. It’s saved me a lot of time. -
I see light tan in the center, that turns into an odd yellow.
If you are in photoshop. Go to Image>Adjustments>Selective color. Choose from the drop down which channel to adjust, probably yellow. Then you can move c m y k sliders back and forth until you like it.
It's really nice though. I do like the shadowed version, draws more attention to him. Seems like he is down in a hole of sorts, and light it pouring in.
Corel Ess 5/mostly then I moved to photoshop cs6 to see if I can adjust things.
He was in different layers but by the end I worked in one layer. I would have normally stayed in many layers, but my process is still not refined enough. I started with using lines and back tracked major with keeping him in shapes.
@lmrush @kaitlinmakes @CLCanadyArts
I will play around with your suggestions the best I can early next week, thanks.
Hi Heather! Perhaps one of you devices are not color calibrated correctly. My money may be on your computer. Perhaps you can have that checked.
@Heather-Boyd, I was going to suggest teying the color change option. They have that in Corel Paint, idk if they have it in ESS or photoshop, though. Basically, it’s like the color fill bucket, but it changes everything of one color to another. It would be a control that’s an option instead of the fill bucket.