I like the color choices. Fun illustration!
Fleeing Tomatoe WIP
Hi everyone,
My name is Fernando (Fern)
I started my subscription about a week ago, and I am really enjoying the classes, I have just finished Color and Light, and I am very inspired to keep learning, as an introduction type of thing to the forums, I am posting this image for feedback.
Feel free to ask questions, point any particular issues, and of course provide feedback, Thanks!
@Fernando-Guardiola wonderful illustration! lively and Fun! Chapeau!
I like the color choices. Fun illustration!
This is awesome man! I love the facial expressions and lighting. Great job!
@Leontine-Gaasenbeek Thank you I am very glad you like it
@Rob-Smith, I had tons of fun working on it, Thanks!
@Dan-Tavis, yea I tried to give the characters some simple yet fun personalities, thanks! -
This the cutest
Love it, so lively...the only suggestion I have is to soften the shadow edges on the green veggies left hand that he is holding palm out. It seems like it is grabbing a bit too much attention. I love the color choices and texture. Fantastic job.
I have to agree with the other post, I'm feeling the tomato on cucumber crime.
@Cheri-Homaee Thanks!
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan that is a great comment, I will make sure to correct that hard edge, Thank you!
@Ferdinand-Landry Thank you!