Newbie Question/Image quality
Aww, that's so sweet. Thanks!
This is really interesting! I am trying to submit as well, and given that this is my first time as well, I tried what you said about resizing and it helped. Thanks! But I am having another problem as well: When I load an image, it is considerably bluer than in real life, either on my Cintiq or my monitor. Yesterday I loaded it twice and it came out true the first time and blue the second time. Anyone have a clue why this might be happening?
Thank you so much!
Here's what I'm talking about. Just tried various things and can't seem to get it back to the normal color:
@tessaw i also have the sme trouble. I’ll out your advice. Thanks.
@Suzanne-Davis i feel you. My images also look grainy. I don’t know why tho.
I tried out @TessaW ’s advice and it worked! Just removed the “resized” command and you’re good to go!
Its just the compression on the forums to save space. I changed the quality of the images from 60 to 80 and adjusted the resize width to 800px. I hope that will help a little. Thanks @TessaW for finding the hack on the upload LOL.
@Chip-Valecek Haha, poor forum though! I think it would be best if people just uploaded a tad smaller. A lot of times peoples images are taking up too much space on the screen and I have to zoom out the web browser to be able to see the whole thing.
@lauraa Hmm, that's interesting.
Are you positive that you uploaded the same exact image file, and they came out different?
The second picture you uploaded was edited from the first image, right?
What program are you working with and saving from? Are you using a sRGB profile?
Certain color profiles are not supported well for web browsers.
@tessaw Yeah, when I create the slideshows I have to go in and resize most of the images. Coming from a web design/developer background I always make sure my files are 72dpi and less then 1500px in width. But I know a lot of people who are not into web stuff just send off the huge 300dpi files.
@chip-valecek Good point. I regret pointing out my hack. I think for vertical comps, 800-900px tall is a good viewing size. Horizontal you can go wider, but not more then 1500px like you said. I use photoshop export options for saving to the web and I assume they change it to 72dpi?
@chip-valecek thanks, Chip. I'll keep that info handy next time I upload.
@tessaw I believe you are right if you are saving for the web on that. I still change it myself before saving.