Hey everyone!
I'm an artist in Provo Utah, taking up @lee-white's networking challenge! I wanted to throw some drawings/sketches up here and see if there was anyone that would want to get together for a cheap lunch & draw. I'm not currently in school and would love to talk to someone who is currently in a program and see what they like about it, what challenges they have, etc... OR, talk with someone else who isn't going to school and hearing their challenges/what their loving about the work as well! I guess in general I feel alone as an artist, not being in a program, and would love to just have an hour to connect with someone that might be going through similar things that I am as a creator.
If this is a completely inappropriate way to go about this, someone feel free to let me know.
[0_1535070435612_bbae2f_7843837631fb4ed99a1ca822b928caee_mv2.webp](Uploading 100%) give me a heads up.