Screen Capture software?
Wanting to make some videos. Any recommendations for screen capture video and for editing? Is there anything in Adobe subscription I already pay for that I can use? Thanks.
I capture with QuickTime on Mac. On PCs, I used to use Camtasia. Within the Adobe Suite you have two of the most widely used professional editing and post-production softwares on the market: Premiere and After Effects. Premiere is a „pure“ editing software, while After Effects is used for motion design, animation, etc...
I use both - with a preference for After Effects - but I admit profiting from both formal training as well as having worked in motion design for a couple of years. They are not easy softwares to learn - especially After Effects takes at least a few months of getting used to. -
@evilrobot I look forward to your videos!
If you're using Winidows as your OS I can recommend the XBoX screencapture program. It's standard on all Windows 10 installs I think. A very simple program but it hasn't failed me yet! (In contrast to every other screenrecording program I've tried in the past.)
You can select a window to capture (it is designed to capture game images/videos) and configure which keys you'd like to operate the start- pause, and stop recording functions with.
I'm not familiar with Mac solutions though. As for Linux; I haven't found a good program for this purpose yet.I also use Premiere Pro for editing. And sometimes After Effects if I want it to look fancy
OBS is free. [](link url)