9 Sept 2015, 16:47

Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all!
This is my first post and I would like to introduce myself a bit. First of all, you might notice soon that English is not my mother tongue, so if I should confuse you with some babbling, it is because of my German accent. 🙂
I am a researcher and teacher and work as a biologist at an University Hospital. What means I have time to create just in my spare time.

In my digital work I like to imitate a traditional look and I love using textures. Furthermore, I love the art of Marvel and DC comics. Honestly, I am not a big comic reader, but I like how light and shadow are used in a very reduced way to create depth.

Here some pics...
Schmetterling Paper Cut Perspective Druck.jpg

Winter Landscape Paper Cut Perspective Variant A Druck.jpg

Rosental at night V2 for SVS.jpg

In the last one, I tried to translate a painting from one of my favorite painters (Carl Spitzweg "Der Postbote vom Rosental") into a kiddy comic style.

I am looking forward to a fruitful interaction with this great group of artists! 🙂