9 Nov 2017, 19:20

soo I have been trying to get better at drawing for a while now and am finding it a challenge to know where to focus since basically, I need to improve everything. My progress has been very slow and I am thinking I need some sort of structured approach to the process. I started with the How to Draw Everything course but am not sure how to structure my days around learning. should I relentlessly repeat a set of exercises everyday for a month and then move on to another set? or should i structure my time by mixing it up - so my day would consist of doing some exercises and then doing master studies then trying to do my own things. feel as if I keep floating around getting easily distracted by all the things I need to learn. (if that makes sense) Do you have a learning path/daily structure that works for you and helps you improve?any help/advice you guys can offer would be appreciated!