8 Jul 2015, 16:49

Hey everyone,

I've received a few emails with questions about this month's 3rd thursday topic (Jack and the Beanstalk). The question has been "Is this ok for this months topic?" and the artist shows a piece that isn't quite a children's book image.

The big thing I want to emphasize is that you want to drive your own work forward and not try and match what you think we might want to see. If you are into comics, go ahead and make it into a comic format. If you are into realistic painting, let's see that spin as well. Visual development artists might include some environment designs and add a character in there for scale and drama. Really work on making something that YOU are interested in and then make as good of an image in that direction as you can.

In other words, do work that you are excited about. That always translates into the work and your audience can feel it. These projects are meant as a way to experiment and to build your portfolio as well. There will be some missteps and difficulties along the way of course, and that is how you grow as an artist.

I'm super excited to see what you guys come up with. Let me know if you have any questions at all. : )

